Mastering Pytest-BDD: Get Scenario Name in Pytest_BDD_Apply_Tag Method
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Mastering Pytest-BDD: Get Scenario Name in Pytest_BDD_Apply_Tag Method

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Are you tired of scratching your head trying to figure out how to get the scenario name in the pytest-bdd apply tag method? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of pytest-bdd and explore the secrets of accessing the scenario name in the apply tag method. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What is Pytest-BDD?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of getting the scenario name, let’s take a step back and talk about what pytest-bdd is. Pytest-bdd is a plugin that allows you to write tests in a behavior-driven development (BDD) style using pytest. With pytest-bdd, you can write tests that are more readable and easier to maintain, making it a popular choice among developers.

What is the Pytest_BDD_Apply_Tag Method?

The pytest_bdd_apply_tag method is a hook that allows you to execute custom code before or after a scenario is executed. This method is incredibly powerful, as it gives you the ability to perform setup or teardown actions for your scenarios. But what if you need to access the scenario name within this method? That’s where things can get a bit tricky!

Getting the Scenario Name in Pytest_BDD_Apply_Tag Method

So, how do you get the scenario name in the pytest_bdd_apply_tag method? The answer is simpler than you might think!

from pytest_bdd import given, when, then
from pytest_bdd import parsers
from pytest_bdd import scenario

@given(parsers.cfparse("I have {n} cukes in my belly"), target_fixture="cukes")
def cukes(n):
    return int(n)

@when(parsers.cfparse("I eat {n} more cukes"))
def eat_cukes(cukes, n):
    cukes += int(n)

@then(parsers.cfparse("I should have {n} cukes in my belly"))
def should_have_cukes(cukes, n):
    assert cukes == int(n)

@scenario("features/eating_cukes.feature", "Eating cukes")
def test_eating_cukes():

def pytest_bdd_apply_tag(tag, function):
    scenario_name =
    # Do something with the scenario name

In the example above, we define a simple BDD test using the `@given`, `@when`, and `@then` decorators. We also define a scenario using the `@scenario` decorator. Finally, we define the `pytest_bDD_apply_tag` method, where we access the scenario name using the `` property.

Understanding the Code

Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening in the code above. The `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method takes two arguments: `tag` and `function`. The `tag` argument is the tag that is being applied to the scenario, and the `function` argument is the scenario function itself.

The `` property returns the name of the scenario. This property is only available when the `function` argument is a scenario function, which is the case when the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method is called.

Common Use Cases for Getting the Scenario Name

So, why would you want to get the scenario name in the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method? Here are a few common use cases:

  • Logging scenario execution: You can use the scenario name to log the execution of each scenario, making it easier to track which scenarios are passing or failing.
  • Dynamic setup or teardown: You can use the scenario name to perform dynamic setup or teardown actions, such as creating or deleting test data.
  • Scenario-specific fixtures: You can use the scenario name to load scenario-specific fixtures, such as loading a specific dataset for a particular scenario.

Best Practices for Using the Pytest_BDD_Apply_Tag Method

When using the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep it simple: The `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method should be used for simple setup or teardown actions. Avoid performing complex logic or database operations in this method.
  2. Use it sparingly: Only use the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method when necessary. Overusing this method can make your tests harder to maintain and debug.
  3. Test it thoroughly: Make sure to test the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method thoroughly to ensure it’s working as expected.


In this article, we explored the world of pytest-bdd and learned how to get the scenario name in the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method. We also discussed common use cases for getting the scenario name and best practices for using the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method.

By mastering the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method, you can take your pytest-bdd tests to the next level and make them more efficient, readable, and maintainable. So, go ahead and give it a try!

Method Description
pytest_bdd_apply_tag A hook that allows you to execute custom code before or after a scenario is executed. Returns the name of the scenario.

Further Reading

If you’re new to pytest-bdd, here are some resources to get you started:

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on getting scenario names in pytest_bdd_apply_tag method!

How can I access the scenario name in pytest_bdd_apply_tag method?

You can access the scenario name using the `request` object in the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method. Specifically, you can use `` to get the scenario name.

What is the purpose of pytest_bdd_apply_tag method?

The `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method is used to apply tags to a feature or scenario in pytest-bdd. It allows you to dynamically add tags to your tests based on certain conditions.

Can I use pytest_bdd_apply_tag method to set up or tear down my test environment?

No, the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method is not intended for setting up or tearing down your test environment. Instead, use fixtures or hooks like `pytestfixture` or `before_scenario` for that purpose.

How can I use the scenario name in pytest_bdd_apply_tag method for logging purposes?

You can use the scenario name to log information about the test execution. For example, you can use a logging library like `logging` or `loguru` to log the scenario name along with other relevant information.

Is pytest_bdd_apply_tag method thread-safe?

Yes, the `pytest_bdd_apply_tag` method is thread-safe. Pytest-bdd ensures that the method is executed in a thread-safe manner, so you don’t need to worry about synchronization issues.

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